Parent Education Series: The Inspiration Behind the San Damiano Crucifix in Mayfield's Holy Child Chapel

Multi-Purpose Building - Holy Child Chapel - HCC
Thomas Stafford
When artist France White, SHCJ, was asked to design a crucifix for the newly renovated chapel at MJS, she chose to paint a resurrection cross in the style of the medieval crucifix that spoke to young St. Francis of Assisi hundreds of years ago, calling him to rebuild the church, the body of Christ. 

"My intention in painting this crucifix ... is for it to be a welcome to all who enter the chapel ... I desire that each one will feel a personal sense of belonging, will find a connection in the multi-racial, multi-ethnic character, as imperfect as my renditions are -- that each will find a part of themselves in the image of Jesus." 

To hear more about the figures in the work, her process, and her inspiration, please join Sister France in the chapel on Tuesday morning, March 5, at 8:30.

Mayfield Junior School

Located in Pasadena, California, Mayfield Junior School of the Holy Child Jesus is a K-8 Catholic coeducational private school. Our kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school experience best prepares students for high school education and beyond.